The preferred method of payment is by the BPoint, secured payment facility which can be accessed via any computer or Smart Phone at www.bpoint.com.au/payments/dete. All details required to make payment is on the invoice provided by the school, including the invoice number, CRN number and amount payable. Please note these details need to be accurately transcribed for payment to be correctly processed.
As the school budget cannot meet any shortfalls in funding for an excursion or camp due to the subsequent non-participation of a student who had previously indicated attendance, fees already paid for an excursion or camp may be refunded in full or in part or not at all, having regard to the associated expenses incurred and the circumstances of the non-participation.
If a parent/caregiver wishes to apply for a refund, they may do so by completing a Request for Refund form available from Corporate and Student Services. It is preferred that refunds be made as a credit against the student's account at the school, and used for any cost in the future. The schools policy regarding refunds for excursions and camps is available from the Handbook (PDF, 667KB) or Corporate and Students Services.